Catch the Ace
February 4, 2021 @ 5:00 pm - 7:30 pm
Progressive Pot Raffle
Tickets are $2.00 and you must be present to win
1.Maximum 20 tickets per person.
2.We will be selling rip tickets.
3.Cost of tickets will be $2.00 per ticket.
4.Maximum of 961 tickets sold per week cumulative.
5.Winners must be present at time of draw to win.
6.Winners will be given a maximum of 5 minutes from time of draw to claim prize. If prize is not claimed within 5 minutes, another ticket will be drawn.
7.All unclaimed cards will be kept in a locked (wood/plexi-glass) cabinet secured to a wall in our club room.
8.Once the weekly prize is claimed, the winner will choose one of the cards in the cabinet. If the ace of spades is chosen, that person will win the progressive jackpot.
9.All drawn cards will be destroyed upon completion of the weekly draw.
10. Every weekly draw will be video recorded by a member of the security team.
11. Counting of money will be video recorded by a member of the security team.
12. Only members of the Security Team will have access to open the card cabinet.
13. Tickets will be for sale every Thursday from 5:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
14. Value of Total Weekly Winnings will be announced prior to the Draw.
15. Draws will be held every Thursday as soon as possible after the money is counted and prizes are determined.
16. The weekly winners name will be announced in the Club Room at the time of the Draw, posted in the Club Room as well as posted on our Website.
17. Winners will be paid by cheque the night of the draw.
18. Weekly draws will be conducted by Branch Volunteers.
Ontario Problem Gambling Hotline 1-888-230-3505 www.ProblemGamblingHelpline.ca