Before you Submit your Team Below:
Register NOW! Space is limited. Next League begins Wednesday, January 15 and runs until Wednesday, April 2nd, followed up 2 weeks of playoffs.
Team Fees:
Once you have registered below, each player shall pay $25. Pay anytime at the downstairs bar at the Sarnia Legion Branch. Tell the bartender who you are and what team you are paying for. This will ensure that we have you properly recorded. Pay with cash, credit, or debit.
Regular Season:
The regular season schedule will run From Mid January to Mid April, with playoff double knock out tournament.
Meet the Convener:
We put a call out for a convener and Daren Brown stepped up to help! His cell phone number is 519-333-8839. Contact him if you have any questions.
Our talented bartender, Sherry Weiss, will be behind the bar for most nights and we will be assisting with keeping tabs of the winning and losing teams.
Branch President is Ron Realesmith. He is interested in growing this league to upstairs and downstairs, and becoming the largest cornhole league in Sarnia-Lambton. If you have ideas for tournaments or growing the league, he wants to hear from you. Contact:
Financial Prizes:
We are a non-profit organization, and as such, we only look to cover our expenses. There will be a monetary prize, and other prizes, for league winners.
Social Media:
Be apart of the facebook group to see weekly updates:
League Rules
1) Boards will be at 27feet
2) All Teams must be a team of two people. It can be male/male, male/female, or female/female
3) Teams can provide their own bags, or with ones that are available.
4) Scoring is first one to 21 or over, using cancellation scoring.
5) Games/matches. Will be 2 games total. 2 points for each win. With the maximum of 4 points each game/match
6) There will be two sessions. 6:30pm till 8:00pm, and 8:00pm to 9:30pm. The schedule will be rotating start times.
7) There will be two divisions. Open and recreational. Recreational is meant for new to sport teams still learning the game. Open is meant for players that have experience with the game.
8) Each team will play every other team at least once. Time allowing the schedule will start itself over again.
9) The regular season schedule will run From January 24/2024 up to March 13/2024. With playoff double knock out tournament starting the week after March break.
10) Your front foot must be behind the line / front of board when throwing attempted is made.
11) Your foot may cross the throwing line as long as the bag has left your hand prior to your foot touching down.
12) Team’s players must be on the same side of the board. Strait across from each other. One player on left side of board and one player on the right side.
13) To determine who throws first. A spin of the bag may happen. To which who ever has the seam point at their side has choice to throw first or pick a side. Should the team choose to throw first. The loser of the spin can then choose a side if desired.